Politics + Media 101
American politics is fast moving and caught up in social media and the 24 hour news cycle. This political podcast cuts through the noise and focuses on what matters, the nuts and bolts of policy, how Congress works, and how elections are won. Justin and John sit down every Tuesday and Thursday to discuss what is happening in Washington, D.C. and international affairs with leading Democrats and Republicans from Congress, members of the media, and think tanks. If you want to know what’s going on behind the scenes in a non-partisan way, this is the show for you. Listen to past episodes, sign up for our mailing list, find out how to join us live, and more at http://www.PM101.live - follow us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/politicsnmedia
Politics + Media 101
Is Donald Trump a Hawk or Dove? With Curt Mills of The American Conservative
John and Justin sit down with Curt Mills, Executive Director of The American Conservative magazine. Curt, a former college classmate of John's, is an influential voice in the conservative intelligentsia's restrainer camp, advocating against the use of US military force abroad. The group discuss whether Donald Trump fits into this camp and what his nominations and appointments signal about his foreign policy goals.